Atmospheric and Environmental research infrastructure training
6–10 November, 2023
The ATMO-ACCESS project supports innovative training and education activities related to atmospheric research infrastructures. It is crucial for the future success of European atmospheric research related facilities to ensure that new generations of researchers acquire knowledge and skills to take advantage of all the essential tools for their research1.
The activities of the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice (NAOK) are focused on the study the atmosphere and the environment, their interactions and influence on the climate. Participation of NAOK in two international research infrastructures, ACTRIS and ICOS, provides unique research cooperation to support synergy studies. There is also an added value to the two RIs – collaboration with the RECETOX, Masaryk University, which implements research on Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in several matrices. This research gives NAOK a huge opportunity for multidisciplinary research of atmospheric aerosols, air quality, climate change and the influence of emergent pollutants on human health.
The NAOK training workshop will introduce activities connected with research on atmospheric components (aerosol, trace gases and clouds, GHGs fluxes), environment pollutants (POPs), remote sensing application and air quality in general. A special online format of the training workshop allows the participants to manage each training day according to their learning pace and timing schedule. Moreover, practical videos show all the details of daily routine work at the observatory. At the end of each training session, there will be specially focused knowledge quizzes to test the newly acquired skills of the participants.
Target group:
The training course is intended mainly for early-career researchers, students (advanced masters students, doctoral students) and technicians in the field of atmospheric and environmental research. Knowledge of atmospheric or environmental sciences is an advantage, but not required. A good understanding of English is recommended.
Course content:
The training workshop will introduce:
- General information on large research infrastructures at NAOK
- atmospheric and environmental research and selected measurement techniques related to the research topics.
- relevant case studies
- the role of VOCs in the atmosphere
- The interaction of atmosphere and vegetation (Ecosystem stations and the Eddy covariance method).
- The influence of toxic compounds (POPs) on the environment
- Remote sensing application in global climate research
How to apply:
Final programme:
Research Infrastrustures at NAOK
- Research infrastructure
Actris & Actris-cz - Research infrastructure ICOS
- Research infrastructure RECETOX
- Research infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ
- ACTRIS SCIENCE | How does ACTRIS help in mitigating climate change?
- Research infrastructure ACTRIS
- Atmospheric tower Kresin
Air Quality
- Air pollutants and and air pollution sources
- Air quality measurement and assessment
- Measurement site at NAOK
- Sample preparation for off-line PM measurement at NAOK
Atmospheric Aerosol
- Aerosols: Tiny by Size Huge by Importance
- Service TROPOS-type DMA
- ACSM calibration
Atmospheric Aerosol – Carbonaceous aerosols
- Measurement of Organic Carbon and Elemental Carbon (OCEC) Aerosols
- Vertical distribution of carbonaceus aerosols a case study on the impact of COVID 19 lockdowns
- Sample preparation for offline ECOC measurement at NAOK
- ECOC offline concentration analyzing by lab analyzer
- Split Point Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification of Thermal-Optical Organic/Elemental Carbon Measurements
- Leak test ECOC
- Changing of ECOC denuder (Semi-online analyzer)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
- Tracking the chemical signal of modernity: sources and fate of chemicals in indoor environments
- The health effects of air pollution
- The Global Presence of Chemicals: Data, Mechanisms of Distribution and Root Causes
- MONET: Spatial and Temporal Trends of POPs anfter 15 years of monitoring across Europe
- Monitoring of POPs in water
- Monitoring of POPs in Ambient Air by Passive Sampling
Volitille organic compounds
- Volatile Organic Compounds in the atmosphere and Overview of their measurement techniques
- VOC canister sampling at NAOK
- VOC canister analyzing
ICOS – Atmospheric and ecosystem stations
- CzechGlobe experience with operation of ICOS atmospheric station
- CO2 fluxes and climate change
- Meteo sensors exchange
- Barometer maintenance in 240 m
- Changing filters for UVA and UVB measurement
- GHG shelter test – leak test of sampling lines in techology container
- Replacement of membranes in pumps for GHG sampling
- Leak test of sampling lines at Atmospheric tower
- Tekran (Mercury analyzer) installation into container in 230 m
- Tekran (Mercury analyzer) internal lamp changing
- 14C cartridges exchange exchange
- Change is challange
- Matters and energy fluxes
- Impact of climate changes on forest productivity
Remote sensing methods
- Remote sensing for atmosphere research
- Lidar Insights: Tracking of volcanic outburst
- LIDAR Intro Video
- Sun photometer and skyimager
- Ceilometer cleaning and calibration
- Dr. Jáchym Brzezina (
- MS Josh Dixon
- Dr. Lucie Homolová (
- Dr. Jiří Kalina (
- Dr. Saliou Mbengue (
- Dr. Lisa Melymuk (
- Dr. Ondřej Mikeš (
- Dr. Jakub Ondráček (
- Ing. Jan Pacner (
- Dr. Roman Prokeš (
- Dr. Therese Salameh (
- Prof. Martin Scheringer (
- Dr. Ladislav Šigut (
- Dr. Gabriela Vítková (
- Dr. Vladimír Ždímal (