• Carry out the research focused on air quality impacts (changes in the environmental, health, and climate composition of the atmosfere) at background environment. 
  • Modernize and extend the infrastructure of the Košetice National Atmospheric Observatory to the best possible approach in scientific level in cooperation with ACTRIS ESFRI.
  • Increase the scientific potential — for example, the training of PhD students and postdoctoral researches in the field of environmental sciences.
  • Ensure the use of standardized measurement procedures developed within the European ESFRI ACTRIS RI including regular calibrations at the  European Calibration Centre  ECAC.
  • Provide access to ACTRIS-CZ infrastructure equipped with advanced instrumentation through “Open and International Approach” for the broad professional public. 

5-years perspective

  • Fill in existing gaps in knowledge about the origin of atmospheric aerosols and provide the basis for air quality management.
  • Participate in developing a cooperation strategy within ACTRIS RI.
  • Introduce new measurements in the vertical profile:
    • Measurement of vertical particle flows by modified eddy covariance method using new high resolution condensation particle counter (CPC) with high time resolution along with 3D anemometer data.
    • Measurement of the vertical gradient of particle concentration by new CPCs at ground level and in an air-conditioned container at a height of 230 m with a possibility of installing various aerosol counters during measurement campaigns.
    • Extend vertical aerosol profile measurement by technology of LIDAR and MAX-DOAS systems for the complete study of aerosols across the troposphere.
    • Refine NOx measurements using a new photolytic converter in view of low background concentrations.
    • Enhance the spectrum of monitored substances by new types of emergent pollutants in view of a wider assessment of atmospheric contamination. The enhancement relates to sampling and analytical techniques.
    • Improve long-term trends evaluation.

10-years perspective

  • Implement the objectives of the long-term monitoring programme during the operational phase of ACTRIS RI after 2025.
  • Ensure the flow of data from long-term monitoring of aerosol properties at a quality consistent with the current society needs, for example, aerosol particle chemistry analysis with high time resolution to be ensured by using ToF-ACSM.
  • Support research to address current uncertainties in the study of:
    • The origin of atmospheric aerosol to provide the basic information needed for air quality management.
    • Effect of atmospheric aerosols on climate change, particularly in aerosol-cloud interactions and the formation of new particles.
  • Identify future requirements of the Infrastructure for atmospheric research including data and computing resources.
  • Define the conditions for integrating new observation technologies and adapting to the new data management system / computing technology.