

Programs and projects

Research infrastructure (LRI) ACTRIS-CZ focuses on the issue of the regional level of air quality in the Czech Republic and, in a broader perspective, also in Central Europe. It consists of the Košetice National Atmospheric Observatory together with the instrumentation and accessories of other research institutions implementing their research and monitoring activities here.


  • Unique, long-term and high time resolution data on chemical and physical properties of aerosols.
  • 250 m tall mast designed for exclusively scientific purposes (within the Czech Republic).
  • The most continentally located station within the ACTRIS network.
  • The only station in the world where the two largest networks of MONET and GAPS passive monitoring blend.
  • Linking ACTRIS and ICOS activities at one infrastructure.

Measurement and Research

  • Long-term air quality monitoring
  • Atmospheric aerosols
  • Emergent organic pollutants
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Global climate change
  • Meteorological measurements

ACTRIS-CZ LRI provides expert outputs in the field of atmospheric sciences, related particularly to monitoring and research of atmospheric aerosols, reactive gases and meteorological parameters.

The set of LRI measurements includes the following activities

  • Long-term monitoring of air quality within the CHMI monitoring network.
  • Measurement of volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides and elemental and organic carbon.
  • Monitoring of newly introduced organic substances which are analysed in ambient air, atmospheric deposition, surface water, sediment, soil, moss and lichen.
  • Automated measurements of the physical and chemical properties of aerosol particles in the air (e.g. particle size distribution and their number concentration, monitoring the ability of particles to bind atmospheric water and their thermal stability, optical properties of aerosols).
  • Continuous measurement of greenhouse gasses concentrations and selected pollutants.
  • Measurement of meteorological parameters both at ground and in the vertical profile.