LRI ACTRIS-CZ provides the possibility of “Open access”. “Open access” serves infrastructure users who can use physical, virtual access or remote access by submitting an Application.

Physical access is a type of access where the user directly visits the infrastructure and realizes his project approved by the ACTRIS-CZ expert council. The project may have the character of training by an expert group or the performance of own measurements. This type of access applies exclusively to the location of the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice.

Virtual access is a type of access when you can request data created by VVI ACTRIS-CZ. These data refer exclusively to the measurement sites associated with VVI ACTRIS-CZ.
Remote access
is a type of access when you can use the ACTRIS-CZ infrastructure (f.e. provision of spaces for measurement). Please note that transport of devices and necessary accessories is paid by the user. 
All types of access are subject to the License Terms.

By submitting a request for physical access, you automatically agree to comply with the OSH, the Accommodation Rules and the GDPR terms.

Users of the ACTRIS-CZ research infrastructure must include acknowledgements in their research reports and scientific publications according to the following pattern:

The research leading to the presented result received support from the Large Research Infrastructure ACTRIS project – participation of the Czech Republic (ACTRIS-CZ – LM2023030) – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.“

The completed Application will be automatically send to e-mail The application will be submitted to the ACTRIS-CZ expert council for assessment. The usual period for the evaluation of the application by the ACTRIS-CZ expert council is 24 weeks.