Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities

ATMO-ACCESS is the organized response of distributed atmospheric research facilities for developing a pilot for a new model of Integrating Activities. The project will deliver a series of recommendations for establishing a comprehensive and sustainable framework for access to distributed atmospheric Research Infrastructures (RI), ensuring integrated access to and optimised use of the services they provide.


Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Network

The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) is the pan-European research infrastructure (RI) producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres.


ACTRIS Implementation project, 2020-2023

The overarching objective of ACTRIS IMP is to coordinate and accomplish the actions required for implementing a globally-recognized long-term sustainable research infrastructure with operational services by 2025. ACTRIS IMP builds on the achievements of the successful ACTRIS PPP and on the scientific and technical deliveries of the ACTRIS-2 and EUROCHAMP-2020 projects. The ACTRIS IMP project objectives are based on the overall ACTRIS implementation phase objectives. Moreover, the ACTRIS IMP project will elevate ACTRIS to a new level of maturity and will set the required coordinated structures for coherent implementation actions, to be performed at both the national and European level.


The project is managed by the Institute of Global Change Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

The CzeCOS research infrastructure is a unique platform for the implementation of comprehensive international interdisciplinary research on global change (GZ) and its impacts on ecosystems. It significantly assists in the fulfillment of international obligations of the Czech Republic in the field of research, adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of global change.


RECETOX Research Infrastructure

RECETOX RI enables research on both environmental and human health risks related to environmental contamination, and supports the safe management of chemicals. The existing and newly built capacities of the RECETOX RI core facilities offer a wide range of expertise needed for making environmental impact assessments for a variety of users. They provide access to analytical, chemical, biological, and toxicological laboratories, the environmental monitoring networks.


Environmental Exposure Assessment Research Infrastructure, RECETOX

Environmental Exposure Assessment Research Infrastructure (EIRENE) aims to fill the gap in the European infrastructural landscape and to pioneer the first EU infrastructure on human exposome. EIRENE RI was designed as a geographically balanced network of distributed research infrastructures.


Global Mercury Observation System, koordinovaný prostřednictvím CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Rome, Italy

Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS) is a unique global observing system providing comparable monitoring data on mercury levels in air and marine ecosystems in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres aiming to support the Minamata Convention.


Project is implemented within Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Switzerland

GEO Flagship project aimed to support the Minamata Convention on Mercury Secretariat, the UN Environment Mercury Fate & Transport Partnership and all Nations in the follow up of the Conferences of Parties (COP) related to the Effectiveness Evaluation and Global Monitoring framework.


International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems) – under CLRTAP (Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution

The integrated monitoring of ecosystems refers to the simultaneous measurement of physical, chemical and biological properties of an ecosystem over time and across compartments at the same location. In practice, monitoring is divided into a number of compartmental subprogrammes which are linked by the use of the same parameters (cross-media flux approach) and/or same/close stations (cause-effect approach).

International Projects and Programs:


Integrated Carbon Observation System Research Infrastructure

Project integrates atmosphere, ecosystem and ocean greenhouse gas observations to provide timely and reliable data for research, policy making, and the general public. ICOS RI brings together high quality European national research communities and measurement stations and, through coordination and support, constitutes a European-wide research infrastructure that serves both scientists and society.


Global Atmosphere Passive Sampling Network

Main objective: Provide comparable data on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on a global scale. Through passive sampling, it helps determine spatial and temporal trends, tests and identifies new chemical substances in the air, and contributes to assessments of long-range transport on a regional and global scale.


Global Atmosphere Watch pod Světovou meteorologickou organizací (WMO)

Main objective: Link and join activities in the field of atmospheric research and monitoring in order to increase awareness of the impact of human activity on global changes in the air, and climate change.


POPs Passive Air Monitoring Network

Main objective: Long-term observation of spatial and temporal trends of POPs distribution in the environment, study the long-range transport of these substances and fulfil the obligations of the Czech Republic resulting from international treaties.